2024 Programme

IWTTF has become renowned as an open, dynamic, authentic and engaging platform, leading discussions on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within travel and tourism, with the passionate objective of developing a more equitable, sustainable, and successful industry. It will be an opportunity to hear and learn from inspiring individuals across the industry – from senior leaders and dynamic entrepreneurs at the top of their careers to people whose lives are directly impacted by some of the topics debated throughout the day, and who will share their experiences.




26 JUNE 2024 ⋅ IWTTF AWARDS ⋅ Expedia HO

18:00 to 21:00Award Ceremony

27 JUNE 2024 ⋅ IWTTF Forum ⋅ Google HO

08:00 to 8:40REGISTRATION
08:45Welcome by EMCEE and Introduction to the Day
Welcome and updates from Zina Bencheikh
09:40The BIG Conversation ⋅ Inclusive Leadership Intrepid
Co-Founder and Chair Darrell Wade in this open conversation moderated by Alessandra Alonso of Women in Travel CIC, tells why women have an important role to play in industry and what the sector still has work on to achieve sustainability and inclusion.
10:15Allyship Revisited
The Male Allyship programme has been in place for 3 years and has grown from a core of 12 to over 40 members. But why does allyship matter and what is the reason for its success? How can companies as well as individuals use allyship as a strategic tool to build belonging and inclusion in their organisation? This panel will delve into the ins and outs of allyship as a tool for inclusive leadership and discuss how it can help accelerate the process of inclusion in the travel and tourism industry.
11:30DEEP DIVE ⋅ Unlimited Belief
As a prologue to the accessibility discussion, Alessandra Alonso interviews disability advocate and accessible travel extraordinaire Nadia Clarke. Wheelchair-bound and with additional needs, Nadia is nevertheless an extraordinary example of using travel as an empowering and transformative tool and living life to the maximum with unlimited belief.
11:45Making Travel Accessible to All
If we are to achieve real inclusion in travel and tourism, the accessibility needs of disabled travellers must be taken into account and served at every step. Equally, it is important to address the needs of a disabled workforce, whether the disability is physical and evident or invisible, in order to attract and retain the best talent.
Customers and colleagues with accessibility needs are but two sides of the same inclusion and representation debate – yet, is the industry doing enough for either of them?
13:30DEEP-DIVE ⋅ Diversifying Travel
Hellen is a community leader, women empowerment and FGM Activist. She also works with the travel industry and takes visitors to experience Kenya through a different lens. In this heartfelt and authentic deep-dive Hellen will share her story and that of her communities with the IWTTF Audience. Expect inspirational stories and genuine uplifting moments!
13:50Diversifying Your Travel Product ⋅ People, Places, Perspectives
Our customers are changing and so must our products. As the narrative around tourism evolves and awareness grows around its impact, the travel product can be used to drive positive change. But how? And what can we do to build into it the people, places and perspectives that make it memorable, authentic and transformative in its impact? Our wide-ranging panel of experts will present different ideas and points of view on th
is topic, from community to environmental, social and economic sustainability.
Our popular group mentoring returns to provide the peer support and the space needed to reflect on the topics and ideas heard during the day so far and identify some shared learning, practical outcomes and tangible takeaways for all participants.The auditorium will be divided into circles of about 10 people, each with their own rapporteur, who will share their reflections in plenary.
16:05AGEnts of Change: Celebrating Midlife through Work and Leisure
Ageing in the industry might be the elephant in the room, what the sector does not speak about openly, but many women in particular experience on a regular basis, whether they are travellers or staff. Yet all stats tell us that consumers live longer and that the fastest growing segment in the travel market, with most of the disposable income, is women over 50. It is therefore critical to ensure their views are represented in the workplace. But is the industry listening?
17:00EMCEE summarises and then announces

Final remarks

  • Feria Kazemi, Industry Relations Manager, Travel, EMEA, Google
17:30 – 18:30Networking drinks

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