Founder/MD at Tiri Consultancy
Nour Aridi is a name that has become synonymous with the tourism industry, not only in the Middle East but she is fast becoming recognized globally as a fountain of knowledge about the GCC and Middle East Traveler. Her company Tiri Consultancy is a boutique consulting company which focuses on supporting globally recognized brands to achieve brand awareness across the GCC as well as driving substantial return on investment for her clients. With over 16 years of destination marketing experience in the GCC Nour has unrivalled business acumen and an uncanny ability to predict and act upon future trends in the industry giving Tiri Consultancy an unmatched competitive edge.
Nour started by supporting the growth of tourism in various destinations such as Indonesia where she was instrumental in driving airline capacity through her strong relations at Emirates Airlines and signing MOUs to continue to build upon the success of Indonesia driving 42% growth in visitor numbers year on year. Other Tourism Boards which have benefited from Nour’s expertise include Monaco, Hong Kong, Finland and Beverly Hills. She has proven successful in delivering strategic long-term plans for destinations and governments from around the world
A passion for travel to encourage self-discovery and women empowerment.