Seniour Lecturer Aviation Management / Founder The Aviatrix Project
2023 DEI Champion Award Winner 🎉
As the founder of the Aviatrix Project, Kanchana leads initiatives to encourage women and girls and those from disadvantaged backgrounds to consider a career in aviation and aerospace. Having been a headteacher and a Senior Lecturer in Education, she combined this experience with her passion for aviation as a pilot to help schools and young people understand the breadth of opportunity around STEM careers and provide employers with the resources and training they need to support their employees. She has previously worked for the Civil Aviation Authority and is currently a Senior Lecturer in Aviation Management. Her areas of focus are educational development and collaboration with the aviation industry across a range of projects focused on Diversity and Inclusion. She works closely with industry bodies to further aviation education and was a Department for Transport Aviation Ambassador during 2021-2023.
The Awards champion individuals and teams that are helping travel and aviation to improve gender balance. Determination to make this happen is a common denominator for last year’s winners. They are breaking barriers and innovating to make the sectors as inclusive as possible – and they are demonstrating the change that is happening in aviation and tourism. As the aviation industry struggles with skill shortages, it cannot afford to ignore the challenge of diversity and inclusion.